1 in 5 landlords have lost tenants as a result of the low deposit mortgage scheme making buying affordable

The National Landlord Index, published by Accommodation.co.uk, has uncovered new insights showing that the new low deposit mortgage solution is helping tenants to become property owners as nearly a fifth of landlords (17.6%) have lost tenants directly due to the scheme opening up the property market for many as it makes buying more attainable. Despite this new data, the national letting agency has still seen an influx of tenants as the rental market remains buoyant.
The combination of the easing of lockdown, the low deposit option and the extent of the stamp duty holiday has seen a huge increase in demand in properties and this surge is reflected in the results of the national index survey. Over a third (36.5%) of landlords stated it was currently more difficult to source new investment properties due to the increased demand and buoyant market.
Accommodation.co.uk offers landlords an award-winning unique hybrid model, using a combination of market leading tech and on the ground agents with local knowledge and expertise. It has proven to be a winning formula for both landlords and tenants across the UK. The flexible model means the agency can quickly learn and adapt to national trends and demands across the rental sector.
Aaron Short, Founder and CEO at Accommodation.co.uk, added, “At Accommodation.co.uk we are always listening to our landlords and tenants to understand the needs of the market and this is why the National Landlord Index is so important. It is great to see the new mortgage deposit scheme having a positive impact for tenants and the property market being so buoyant in the wake of the pandemic.
Knowing how the market is impacting on UK landlords and tenants gives us vital information to really understand the future of the lettings market and ensure this is mirrored in our offering. At Accommodation.co.uk we have been at the forefront of updating this archaic industry and we believe our award-winning model offers tenants and landlords the best solution in the current market.”