Chichester nutritionist Steph Bevington, founder of Beautifully Energised, teaches ladies how to promote slowing down, becoming present and recreation, so they can look and feel their best. They offer nutrition and lifestyle plans, teach mindful eating and work on balancing out blood sugar levels so that participants feel satisfied, balanced, energised and full of life.
Bikini Body Bliss (£99): the latest 21-day plan, starts on Sunday 27th June, available to sign up to online now. A fun plan that guides ladies through delicious, nutritionally-balanced meals that stabilise hormones to lose weight naturally and actually enjoy the process.
Designed specifically for busy women looking to eat themselves fit and healthy and feel fabulous this summer. This plan guides participants towards establishing a lighter, more vibrant, energised version of themselves. The plan includes the following:
- Delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack recipes in a flexible meal plan, daily group coaching, weekly Q&As with a qualified nutritionist and organisational tools to keep you on track if you are ready to step into a healthier, more energised, refreshed and happier version of yourself.
Ladies will learn easy quick wins that help to keep them on track and guide them towards keeping the weight off. A sustainable plan created by a nutritionist, not just another fad diet.
For those who can’t wait, top nutritionist Stephanie Bevington will be running a free seven-day Healthy Holiday challenge in her Facebook group “Local Ladies”. This plan will help participants feel fabulous from the inside out with top tips on what to eat, delicious drink recipes and advice on how to enjoy the summer whilst remaining fit and healthy. Join the group before it starts on Sunday 11th July.