24 hour danceathon to raise funds to support struggling families this Christmas through charity’s present appeal.

A Salvation Army officer is taking on a 24 hour danceathon to raise money for the church and charity’s Christmas Present Appeal which works to ensure that no child wakes up without a present on Christmas Day.
Church leader Julia Anyon, will convert the church hall at The Salvation Army in Oldham Fitton Hill, located at The Brew on Fir Tree Precinct, into a dancefloor and take on the challenge to dance for 24 hours.
Raising money for the church and charity’s annual Christmas Present Appeal, Julia will take on the challenge on Monday, November 25th.
Joining Julia to take on the challenge of dancing for 24 hours will be Salvation Army young leader Elle and a number of groups that attend the church and community centre including parent and tots group Baby Boogies, youth group and the over 50s club ‘Kind Hearts’.
Church leader Julia said: “Our Christmas Present Appeal is a major campaign in our annual calendar and supports some of the people within our community who are struggling the most, finding times difficult to provide for their family and ensuring that their children don’t suffer. This year, with the cost-of-living crisis still a big issue for people within communities to cope with, we expect to find that people need our support more than ever before.
“Each year the local Oldham community is so generous and supports us in delivering joy and gifts to children throughout the town, but we know that this year many of the people who once supported us, and provided toy donations, are finding that they are this year struggling themselves to make ends meet. The danceathon was our way to raise funds to ensure that we can buy the presents that we need, guaranteeing that no child has to wake up on Christmas Day without a gift.”
The rules surrounding the 24-hour danceathon have been set and Julia can stop every three hours for a 15 minute break but will dance for 24 hours starting at 9:00 am.
Julia added: “The danceathon is a fun way to raise awareness and funds for a to help the families who are struggling the most within our communities. It will also contribute to both good physical and mental health and is a little bit different to our normal Christmas fundraising efforts! We want to thank everyone who helps us make children’s Christmases that little bit brighter in whatever way they can.”
For people that wish to support The Salvation Army’s Christmas present appeal in Oldham Fitton Hill, a Just Giving page has been set up and donations can be made at www.justgiving.com/fundraising/thesalvationarmychristmas-2024-233.
The Christmas Present Appeal also accepts donations of new and unwrapped gifts for children and young adults; newborn to 18 years old, and donations can be dropped off directly at The Salvation Army in Oldham Fitton Hill.