RUBBISH floating on the waves, seagulls nicking your food, other people’s music blaring out and Millennials posing for selfies are among east of England Brits’ worst beach nightmares.
Sand getting everywhere, people playing ball games right next to you and salesmen flogging local crafts also ruin our beach holidays.
And according to new research, a quarter of Millennials aged 25-34 say they spend FIVE HOURS a day on the beach updating social media rather than enjoying the scenery.
A survey by Atomik Research for Travel Republic’s beach hacks website shows:
• Having to leave valuables on show, other beachgoers setting up camp right next to you and sand getting stuck in your sun cream are among Brits’ top 10 beach hates
• 23% of Millennials spend over five hours on social media on the beach
• 70% of men compared with 54% of women still say a beach holiday is their favourite break.
Women had more gripes than men about the beach, with their top three moans being litter (61%), nowhere to leave valuables (46%) and people shaking sandy towels over you (40%).
Brits’ from the east of England’s top three demands for better beaches are proper showers and changing rooms (45%); waterfront bars (35%) and comfier sun beds (35%).
And we also want children-free zones, a ban on salesmen, free Wi-Fi, parasols with built-in phone chargers and a call button in sun beds to summon a waiter.
Millennials are the most self-obsessed age group on the beach, spending an average of three hours updating social media.
This compares to an average of 1.9 hours for 18-24-year-olds and 1.6 hours for 35-44-year-olds.