42% of Brits don’t know what a carbon footprint is

Research of over 2,000 UK adults conducted by the new Flora Plant Spreadable, reveals 42% of Brits don’t know what carbon footprint is.

Carbon footprint is the measure of greenhouse gas emissions released by the actions of an individual or organisation, however nearly half (42%) of Brits believe it’s only the measure of carbon dioxide. One in five think a carbon footprint is the practice to reduce, re-use and recycle waste (18%), whilst others believe it’s a long-term shift in average weather patterns (14%).

This lack of knowledge could be due to many educating themselves from unregulated new sources like social media. Nearly a quarter (24%) of us rely on Facebook, and this predominant for 18-34yos who turn to Instagram (37%), Facebook (34%), TikTok (28%) and Twitter (24%).


Although Brits aren’t clued up on carbon footprints, they are aware of the unsustainable practices carried out by humans. Three in five (60%) believe burning fossil fuels do the most damage, followed by car emissions (53%) and farming of animal and dairy products (23%).

Livestock farming produces 37% and 65% of our global methane and nitrous oxide emissions respectively, and both gases are much more potent than carbon dioxide[1].

Products like dairy butter involve livestock farming so it’s positive that over a third (34%) are aware dairy butter alternatives and plant-based spreads are better for the environment, as they’re made without using animal products, use less land, water, and lower amounts of greenhouse gasses.


Addressing climate change is a global concern. As COP26 approaches, it is interesting to see the importance people are putting on living an eco-friendlier lifestyle.

Small changes like upcycling and changing diet to be more plant-based came out as the main action people take when trying to reduce their climate impact (56%). People also put a large emphasis on educating the next generation (44%) and buying reusable items (40%) as other preventative actions to help tackle environmental issues.

On the other hand, and rather alarmingly, people feel using more fossil fuels (10%), encouraging children to join a movement like the Extinction Rebellion (8%) and using more diesel cars (7%) instead of electric are sustainable choices to make.

The pandemic has also had an impact and made Brits more environmentally conscious with many trying to reduce their carbon footprint. 41% walk more and use less carbon-emitting transport, 27% purchase more foods that are sustainably sourced, and one in five have reduced consumption of animal-based products (21%).

Damian Guha, General Manager of Upfield UK & Ireland said, “It’s interesting to see that nearly half of us don’t fully understand what the definition of what carbon footprint it.

It’s important that we educate ourselves and the next generation with the correct information to help tackle the issues we are facing with climate change and understand what actions we need to take to protect the future of our planet.

By switching to a plant-based diet or checking carbon labelling when food shopping, these small lifestyle changes will accumulate and make a bigger difference than we think.”

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