43% of Brits say social media empowers them as an individual

Greenlight Digital ran a poll asking Brits about what aspects of being online that makes them happiest, and what they like least. We found that among 25-34-year olds, almost half say the internet makes them feel more in control of their life, whilst 2 in 5 say the internet has enhanced their perception of their intelligence AND their interpersonal skills.
Other key statistics include:
Among 25-34-year olds, more than any other age group:
• 43% say social media empowers them as an individual
• 46% feel social media enhances their self-esteem, compared to 25% of adults overall
• 42% feel social media interaction enhances their sense of self-worth
While the 25-34 age group appears to experience greater happiness online, when it comes to social media, that happiness is linked to certain events.
• 37% of millennials agree that the more followers they have, the happier they feel.
• 36% say that keeping up appearances online is a cause of anxiety for them.
In light of these findings we have spoken to Sociologist Anna Akbari, PhD, Dr Pamela Rutledge, Director at the Media Psychology Research Center, and author of The Happiness Effect Donna Freitas, PhD, to create a guide to being happy online: https://www.carphonewarehouse.com/broadband/internet-happiness-influencers.html