The biggest driving mistakes – and how to avoid them
Embarking on a motorway journey or long drive with insufficient charge is a huge mistake for drivers of electric vehicles.
You could be putting yourself and others in real danger if you run out of charge or are unable to find a convenient charging point on route.
But it is not the only driving mistake people make on long journeys, according to the experts at LeaseElectricCar.co.uk and its sister site LeaseCar.uk.
The motoring experts have compiled a list of six of the most common errors which can lead to accidents on our main roads – with advice on how to avoid making them.
A spokesperson for LeaseElectricCar.co.uk said: “Driving for a long time can become hazardous if people don’t take the right care and attention on the roads. There are some key, common mistakes people make at the wheel which can be avoided.
“We’ve researched some of the top errors and offer some advice on what to do to have a hassle-free and safer journey.”
Here are the top tips from LeaseElectricCar.co.uk:
Overuse of the brake lights: Stopping without warning or frequently touching the brake in fast moving traffic is a major cause of accidents – if there is no need to brake in the first place. It can cause a ‘chain reaction’ with other motorists forced to brake which can lead to major problems.
Not using the indicators: This is a relatively simple yet overlooked task for drivers on some of our roads. Whenever you want to make a move out of a traffic lane or back into a lane, you must use the indicators to ensure all of the vehicles around you can anticipate your change of position. Some drivers either forget or just don’t use their indicators properly which spells danger.
Staying in the overtaking lane: Many drivers feel they can cruise in the middle lane of a motorway or the far side of a dual carriageway for miles at a time. But this is not the case as it can cause a hazard to you and other motorists. These lanes are meant for overtaking, so as soon as you have safely overtaken a vehicle you need to prepare to manoeuvre carefully back into the left hand lane, to allow others to pass.
Mirrors in wrong positions: We are taught from the youngest possible driving age that nothing should be done without the mirrors of your car – it must always be ‘mirror, signal, manoeuvre’. However, ill-positioned side and internal mirrors can create blind spots where drivers don’t have the most comprehensive view of the road while driving. Ensure you don’t need to move your head to be able to see through your mirrors at all times.
High beams: Motorists can be dazzled by your headlights – when in high beam mode – are accidentally left on. The blue warning light on your dashboard should remind you when these lights are illuminated – they should be used sparingly on the road so as not to cause an unnecessary hazard.
Uncomfortable seating position: For a long or short journey, ensure the driver’s seat is in the right place for you to be upright, alert and able to see clearly, whether through the windscreen or through the mirrors. Ill-adjusted seats can lead to bad posture, cramp and can deprive you of full visibility.