79% of Brits do not feel we’re reaching our full potential, thanks to a lack of time & productivity – OnePlus has the answer

A European-wide study by OnePlus, has revealed that as many as 79 percent of Brits feel like they are not fully achieving their full potential in life, due to a lack of time and productivity.
Almost half (47%) feel like they want to make more of their work, career, and general skills, whilst 62% have admitted that they struggle to finish a task, with their daily to-do list (50%), home improvements (42%), and looking after their physical and mental wellbeing (41%) all falling by the wayside.
82 percent go so far to say they are a procrastinator by nature, so much so that tasks sit on our to-do lists for an average of three weeks before being completed, resulting in 27 percent of our daily to-do lists never being tackled.
Key reasons for not being able to finish a task include simply not wanting to do it (38%), getting easily distracted (36%), or not having enough time to complete the task (30%). It’s no surprise that 77 percent feel like their life is slipping away, without them having achieved their goals, leaving half (51 percent) feeling disappointed in themselves and like they should be doing more (47 percent).
When asked what might help increase productivity to achieve their potential, 35% said being able to prioritise tasks, nearly one in three (29%) said about being more open-minded in how they approach tasks, while one in four (25%) said ‘having the freedom to do what I need to do, from anywhere’ would be key. Specifically for work, starting side-hustles, and reaching personal goals, 42% said flexible working would help them be more productive, with nearly one in the three (32%) saying that ‘having the right tools and technology’ would help.
Responding to the nation’s challenges around being able to complete tasks, OnePlus has launched its latest flagship smartphone – the OnePlus Open – with the ambition of helping consumers reach their full potential by enabling creativity and productivity to flourish.
The technology behind the OnePlus Open facilitates users to work and create anywhere, at any time. In an innovative move, the phone transforms from a pocket-sized, rectangular device, into a 7.82-inch screen when opened. The result is a dual display, which allows up to three apps displayed at once, and with the triple splits on screen means you can quickly hop between apps with taps or nudges, offering a pioneering step-change for unparalleled multitasking.
Being in an environment that is inspiring (29 percent), seeing things from a different perspective (27 percent), having the freedom to work from anywhere (25 percent) and being alone (23 percent) are all factors that the British public think will increase productivity. In a bid to become more time efficient and inspired, 21% of Brits welcome employers to offer them a tablet or phone-sized device as they’re open to innovative ways of working.
Celina Shi, Chief Marketing Office at OnePlus, who commissioned the survey, commented, “What this study shows is how many people aren’t realising their full potential, which in this age of opportunity and technology feels like a travesty.” Celina Shi, Chief Marketing Office at OnePlus.
Celina continues “In a world where the pursuit of potential feels hindered by time constraints and productivity challenges, OnePlus is dedicated to empowering individuals to unlock their capabilities. The OnePlus Open is a revolutionary leap towards enabling productivity and creativity unhindered by physical limitations. With its innovative technology, this flagship smartphone allows users to work and create anywhere, at any time, fostering an environment where tasks, ambitions, and life goals can seamlessly intertwine, making the extraordinary achievable in the everyday.”
Launching a side hustle (13 percent), finishing a course or qualification (11 percent), getting a promotion at work (11 percent) and completing a novel (11 percent) are other areas where the nation’s productivity challenges have stopped them achieving what they want.
To showcase the OnePlus Open’s capabilities and in celebration of realising our true potential, the brand announced its partnership with Philip Colbert, the London-based artist famed for his iconic lobster designs. Colbert embarked on the remarkable task of closing the loop on 500 years of Michelangelo’s unfinished legacy and released the true potential of the artwork for a contemporary audience. This unique coming together of Michelangelo, Colbert and OnePlus melds the brilliance and inspiration of the past with the innovative technology of the future, opening up the potential of a classic masterpiece for the modern age.
The ‘finished’ artwork by Colbert, made possible using only the OnePlus Open, was unveiled through an interactive projection recently at the National Gallery, where Michelangelo’s original hangs in its unfinished state. Created using only the OnePlus Open, Colbert’s studio in his pocket, the finishing of the Manchester Madonna demonstrates the potential available using productive devices that can help you work from anywhere, at anytime.
The top ten things that the public want to achieve but can’t, due to a lack of productivity, include:
Redecorating their home – 26%
Learning a language – 19%
Travel more – 19%
Finding new friends – 18%
Cooking new recipes – 17%
Planting things in the garden – 15%
Starting their own business – 14%
Getting a new look – 14%
Playing an instrument – 14%
Starting a side hustle – 13%
Doing a new sport – 13%
Getting a qualification – 11%
Finishing a novel – 11%
Going for a promotion – 11%
Getting a new partner – 10%
Learning to paint – 6%
Learning to dance – 6%
Going back to University – 5%
Taking a photography course – 5%
Writing a song – 5%