### Strictly Embargoed Until 00:01 on 25/10/2021 ### *** FREE FOR EDITORIAL USE *** Galaxy Life Gym with Samsung Watch4 hosted by Katie Piper To help counter the emerging trend of ’gym-timidation’, Samsung UK has teamed up with author, broadcaster and mental health advocate, Katie Piper, who champions inclusivity, to open the doors to its Galaxy Life Gym – a gym for your life, not just your workout. The pop-up gym experience is powered by the Samsung Galaxy Watch4, Samsung’s latest smartwatch that champions a holistic approach to health tracking with features including Stress Score, body composition monitoring, Group Challenge and Daily Activity goals.### Strictly Embargoed Until 00:01 on 25/10/2021 ### *** FREE FOR EDITORIAL USE *** To help counter the emerging trend of ’gym-timidation’, Samsung UK has teamed up with author, broadcaster and mental health advocate, Katie Piper, who champions inclusivity, to open the doors to its Galaxy Life Gym – a gym for your life, not just your workout. The pop-up gym experience is powered by the Samsung Galaxy Watch4, Samsung’s latest smartwatch that champions a holistic approach to health tracking with features including Stress Score, body composition monitoring, Group Challenge and Daily Activity goals.

The past year has seen a complete overhaul in the way the UK views its health, as Brits swap traditional workouts in favour of activities that promote all-round wellbeing. Research commissioned by Samsung found a staggering 83% of people agree that the gym can be an intimidating experience, with half of the nation (50%) worried others will judge them and others citing reasons including not feeling fit enough (35%) and looking weaker than others (33%). In fact, almost a third of Brits (30%) have found the traditional gym set up so intimidating, they have cancelled their membership altogether.

To help counter the emerging trend of ‘gym-timidation’, Samsung UK has teamed up with author, broadcaster and mental health advocate, Katie Piper, who champions inclusivity, to open the doors to its Galaxy Life Gym – a gym for your life, not just your workout. The pop-up gym experience is powered by the Samsung Galaxy Watch4, Samsung’s latest smartwatch that champions a holistic approach to health tracking with features including Stress Score, body composition monitoring, Group Challenge and Daily Activity goals.

The top five causes of ‘gym-timidation’ are:

1. Understanding how to use all the equipment (56% of brits)
2. Other more experienced gym-goers (52% of brits)
3. Fellow gym-goers waiting to use the machine/equipment you were using (50% of brits)
4. The weights Area (47% of brits)
5. Complex machines (33% of brits)

The study revealed the lifting of lockdown has led to a trend for more flexible fitness, as 39% of Brits with gym memberships have chosen to exit their contracts over the past two years, favouring a routine that fits around their new work-life balance. Over a third (37%) of the nation would prefer to wind down with gentle yoga and meditation after a busy day in their home office over traditional forms of exercise, such as HIIT workouts or going for a run.

Confidence is a key cause of ‘gym-timidation’ – 4 in 10 Brits noted body-consciousness as a key reason for avoiding the gym, and 38% surveyed feel more motivated in group classes as opposed to working out solo.

When asked about the future of fitness, respondents said they would like to like to see gyms host classes which focus on having fun whilst burning energy (58%) and offer empowering classes that support mental health and wellbeing (52%), including holistic pursuits of yoga, Pilates and meditation.

In response to these findings, Samsung will be opening the doors of its’ Galaxy Life Gym, a two-day pop-up in the heart of London, taking place on 30th and 31st October at 19 Greek Street across run six fabulous sessions from 9am-6pm, and following up with two days in Manchester on Friday 5th and Saturday 6th November at Manchester Hall. Katie Piper will be working with Samsung to host a select number of sessions across the London pop-up.

Each guest will be able to experience their personal fitness partner in the Samsung Galaxy Watch4, which will monitor their heart rate, identify calories burned and increased energy levels, in addition to capturing their resulting glow-up!

For your chance to book your place, please visit www.samsung.com/uk/galaxy-life-gym/

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