95% of Brits Are Unhappy With Their Current Health & Fitness

New research has found that across the UK, 95% of people are unhappy with their current fitness and health. As we approach Christmas, this number is likely to peak, and Brits will be giving in to the temptation of unhealthy food and drink. We lack motivation, and we’re not looking in the right places to find it.
The research commissioned by Ultimate Sports Nutrition found that General Practitioners push to promote fitness, but being aware of the health benefits only motivates 12% of us. Social media platforms and celebrities are also increasingly promoting healthy lifestyles with trendy diets and workout routines, but the research shows that 70% of Brits believe these pictures are heavily photoshopped.
Looking to celebrities and knowing about distant illnesses that may or may not happen just isn’t motivational. Instead, we tend to turn to our partners for motivation (40%), or rely on our own will and self-motivation to improve (32%). Once people start, they realise working out makes them feel good (79%) and half (48%) of those who do claim it increased their confidence.
The New Year is right around the corner, and it’s never too late to inspire or be inspired. Ultimate Sports Nutrition are currently seeking an ambassador that can inspire people to improve their health and fitness in 2018