Holiday Gift Ideas To Help Brighten Their Winter

It’s been a hard year for all of us. We’ve spent months on end indoors, working from home and not enjoying our favourite social leisure activities, we haven’t seen our loved ones except over video calls, and now we’re heading towards the middle of a long, cold, wet winter. So, it’s more important than ever to make sure that when we give gifts this holiday season, we try and make life a little brighter for our loved ones. Those socks can wait until next year, here are some gift ideas to bring some extra cheer.

A SAD Lamp

Now, this is a gift that is cheerier than it sounds! SAD is the abbreviation for Seasonal Affective Disorder, or “winter depression”, which is a relatively common condition that can include everything from increased irritability to lethargy as a result of a lack of sunlight. Sunlight is so important for keeping us happy and healthy, and during these long winter months it can be very difficult to make sure we’re getting enough of it. A SAD lamp is a great solution for those of us putting in long shifts in our home office, as these light boxes help simulate the sunlight and tells your brain to boost your melatonin while reducing your serotonin.

A CBD Oil Gift

There are so many supplements and nootropics that claim to have an impact on your mood, but the ongoing research into CBD oil shows that it can have an anti-stress effect, something that is extremely valuable in this year of incredible worry! While it’s important to note that CBD oil should be an addition to other treatments in the case of depression or mental health issues, rather than a cure for them, but there are real benefits to be seen. CBD Oils are also an excellent gift for anyone suffering from pain and inflammation, as research has shown that it has anti-inflammatory properties that work wonders in conjunction with medical treatment. You can browse a range of CBD bundles at, a site that can educate you on its properties and potential as well as offer you the best of the bunch.

A Weighted Blanket

A good night’s sleep feels like it can be a little hard to come by right now, and we need all the help we can get. If you know someone who’s really struggling to get those eight hours, a good weighted blanket is the perfect gift. The reason why they are so effective is because they act in a similar way to deep pressure stimulation, a therapeutic technique that can relieve pain and anxiety. It’s a comforting feeling, almost like getting a hug from your duvet! There are a whole range of options of different weights and materials available depending on your needs.

Something You Made Yourself

Now this might sound a little corny, but in a year where we’re all so far away from each other and catching up via text or video chat, a gift that you have made yourself is the perfect way to show that you’re thinking of your loved one. Invest the time in crafting or making your own present that tells them that you might be far away in terms of distance, but you’re still very close to them in spirit.

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