Mother Knows Best: The best motherly advice, ranked!

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, thortful want to pay homage to the nation’s mums and mother figures. They tasked the nation with submitting the best piece of advice our mothers have given us, and asked people to vote for their favourite pearls of wisdom; be it be funny, heart-warming, emotional, or completely ridiculous!

They have now revealed that the most popular pieces of mum advice are:

  1. Sometimes, some people and some situations deserve a second chance; so let go of your fear and give them one.
  2. Never be afraid to fall in love with the same person twice.
  3. Never leave the house without good underwear in case you get in an accident.
  4. Always remember that I love you
  5. If you won’t care about it in five years, it doesn’t matter
  6. Nothing is more important than your health.
  7. Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission. Never give them that permission
  8. This too shall pass.
  9. If we’re apart and you miss me, look at the moon and know that I’ll be looking at the same one. Then I won’t feel so far away.
  10. Look at desserts on the menu first, so you know how much room to leave

To view the full index, go to:

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