Technology’s purpose is to make our lives easier – from efficiency to being cost-effective but how is new technology transforming healthcare in the UK?
Here Fuelled provides five ways technology will transform healthcare in the UK:
Virtual Reality – not in the conventional sense but GPs may be able to visit patients in the home for check-ups virtually. This will make appoint times more efficient, prevent the more vulnerable from travelling unnecessarily and allow GPs to ascertain whether a patient needs to be physically seen/referred. This could potentially save a significant amount of time in fewer emergencies and vice versa.
AI – will help identify and diagnose diseases at an earlier stage, possibly preventing some conditions before they can develop. Another method includes machine learning where the AI will teach itself to process and store data, making it readily available on command.
Augmented Reality – in the same way that the internet brings connectivity through communication, it also will be able to do so with practical applications such as performing surgeries. Skilled surgeons will be able to replicate procedures through augmented reality, leading to educating junior staff in real situations but with structured visual aids.
Automated therapy – there are currently digital therapies that can devise programmes for patients that treat insomnia and anxiety conditions. Through CBT methods, the programmes adjust to the patient’s data, providing a tailored therapy session.
Apps – extremely cost-effective and convenient for both the user and those monitoring the data, apps already come equipped with GPS to locate a patient. Still, they can also monitor vitals and record those direct to health professionals. In emergencies, they can be notified when levels are low or the patient is unable to reach out.