Celebrities and their dogs take on Bark Run! The dog (and dog owner) agility course with a difference

Dogs and dog owners were treated to a walkies with a difference as they took part in Bark Run – the 3km course around Wimbledon Common that challenged mental and physical ability of our canine companions. Created by nutritionally tailored dog food service, tails.com, Bark Run saw over 140 dogs put their paws (and noses) to the test to beat Olympian Victoria Pendleton and TV’s Lorraine Kelly.

After over a year of only having our dog walks to look forward to, tails.com has created Bark Run to get four legged friends involved with their owners as part of the Summer of Sport.

Former double gold Olympic medallist and nine time world champion, Victoria Pendleton kicked off the 2021 Bark Run with her beloved Malinois, Vala – swapping cycling to test balance and bravery as they zoomed through the Zig Wag and set the bar high. tails.com ambassador and dog lover, Lorraine Kelly, followed shortly behind, with Border Terrier, Angus who darted through the Speedy Slalom and ended up with a soaking surprise in the Drenched Dog Dash!

From lazy labradors to agile akitas – dogs of all shapes, sizes, ages and breeds grouped together by rummaging for treats, sprinting through a hay bale slalom or even zipping through the short course for shorter legs.

Sean McCormack, Head Vet at tails.com comments: ‘Bark Run is designed to create a walkies with a difference for dogs and their owners no matter what the dog’s age, breed or lifestyle.

We see the benefits of tailored nutrition every day in building healthy, happy dogs for our customers and Bark Run is a great way for dogs and their owners enjoy a sporting experience together. We’ve all wanted to celebrate the Summer of Sport, and we believe dogs shouldn’t have to miss out!”

Victoria Pendleton comments: ‘I know the value of choosing the right food to create strong performance, and my dogs are no different. It has been an honour to be the first person to take part in the tails.com Bark Run, Vala did so well – we make a great team!’

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