UK parents reveal their tried and tested tips for engaging little ones in mealtimes

Engaging children in meal times can be difficult, especially with the various distractions and entertainment available at their fingertips. But as research from HelloFresh has found, 63% of UK parents admit that mealtimes are crucial in making them feel more connected to their families, so it’s important that children are engaged so families are able to make the most out of their time together.

The UK’s tried and tested tips
British parents have revealed their top tips for engaging youngsters in mealtimes. From enlisting their help in the preparation to making their favourite foods, the research has found which methods parents find most effective.

Almost half (47%) of UK parents say that ensuring the whole family is gathered around the dinner table for mealtimes is the most effective method in engaging young children with the classic Sunday roast being the meal most Brits associate with memorable family moments . Not only does family mealtime build better relationships among with loved ones, a recent study also found that sharing mealtimes improve health and reduce the risk of obesity in children.

Due to varying schedules, gathering the family around the dinner table isn’t always possible, but the research has found that 42% of parents say that enlisting their childrens’ help in preparing meals can be key in making them feel more engaged.

The best meals to make with little helpers? Almost half (46%) of UK families say pizza is the most enjoyable meal to make together. With the variety of toppings available to choose from, pizzas are a great way in ensuring children eat vegetables with their meals. The second favourite dish the nation’s kids enjoy making with their parents are desserts, such as cakes (41%) and the family-favourite spaghetti bolognese (33%).

Making time for family
With over half (52%) of British parents revealing that dinner times are when they are able to get the most updates from their kids, the research found that most families (44%) sit together for 6-10 meals per week.

Highlighting the importance of taking time to break away from work priorities or the distractions of modern technology, 53% respondents also consider themselves better listeners at dinner time over any other point in the day.

Educational eating
A key educational moment for both parents and kids, the research has highlighted the importance of family mealtimes. 38% of parents say that dinnertimes often provoke their children to ask important questions about the food supply chain, offering valuable moments where they can educate them on farming and other produce suppliers.

Not always equipped to answer their children’s burning questions, 27% say they often search their tablet or smartphone for the answers. But education on the food supply chain is two-way, as over a third (34%) of parents say they themselves have learnt more about where food comes from by answering their children’s questions.

Andre Dupin, Head Chef at HelloFresh said: “Our research reveals that dinnertime isn’t just about meals. It’s a time to come together, learn and have meaningful conversations. Now it’s term-time, this ritual of sharing is even more important. With over 36 recipes to select from each week delivered straight to your door, HelloFresh is a great accompaniment to family fun and conversation.”

With half (50%) of respondents agreeing that dinnertime is the perfect time to catch-up with friends and loved ones, the research also found which topics are being hotly discussed by British families. With pupils now back at school for the new academic year, 38% admit they usually talk about school or work during mealtimes. Other topics include discussing their friends and family members (30%) and questions about the food on their plates (23%).

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