Hacks to lessen the mental load by making self-care a part of your lifestyle in 2023

January is well-known for the “January blues” and the period after Christmas and New Year is often a time of getting back into routines and finding ways to beat the blues. Wecasa – the at-home mobile wellness, beauty and home care services booking platform – is on a mission to bring awareness of how self-care and me-time can bring calm, happiness and help with mental health.

We are often guilty of putting everyone before ourselves and letting daily chores take over precious me-time. The mental load, to-do list and juggle can create real anxiety and frustration so make a conscious effort to build self-care and me-time into your lifestyle. Look at your overall time and figure out where there is space for you to be the priority, then schedule this in on an ongoing basis.

Wecasa knows how difficult the last few years have been and understands that self-care is more important than ever to assist with the mental load many are experiencing. Therefore, one of Wecasa’s founders Pierre André, is bringing you the best hacks to help you out in 2023 and start the year right:

A healing home

The home is a healing zone and one where comfort and happiness should take precedence. Having a clean home makes the mind relax, unwind and focus on putting yourself first. Getting a cleaner or making one day a week your “cleaning day” can take away anxiety, procrastination and ultimately ease your mind. It is about finding ways to let the daily chores benefit you and not be something you dread as this can truly make your mind and mood spin.

Be in the moment

We cannot say this enough but turn off your phone or place it in another room. It’s a challenge, we know, but to fully appreciate me-time and self-care you need to be in the moment and block out the outside world – those emails can wait and so can those WhatsApp messages – turn airplane mode on and make sure you take a real break from the screen. Zoning in on yourself can make you feel more alive, lessen the mental load and make you appreciate being in the moment.

Book it in, in advance

Another hack is mentally and physically booking it in, in advance. People often feel guilty about booking in time for themselves; however, it is as useful to your mental wellbeing as a routine doctor’s appointment. It often helps to book in your desired me-time in advance to avoid letting it fall to the wayside. Book in multiple appointments, activities and relaxation to fill up the diary. We find that if you do this then it fits into your schedule, and you won’t cancel because it’s already been paid for.

Sleep is everything

Sleep. Winter days, even though the daylight is short, can often feel long. Being tired can be a detriment to yourself and the way in which you care for yourself. Not only is it good for your body’s repair but it also helps your immune system and stress levels. Things that can help this are all in the above hacks so create a comfortable and clean home environment, turn off your phone and write things down and book them in to allow yourself to sleep soundly.

Wecasa delivers straight to your door, helping you make time for yourself and your loved ones. The company is on a mission to make a positive impact on people’s lives by bringing ease, convenience and a fresh approach to at-home on-demand treatment and cleaning services and making it a part of your ongoing lifestyle.

Wecasa is your go-to online booking platform for at-home wellness, beauty, and home services, seven days a week. Visit www.wecasa.co.uk for further information and to book now.

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