For many Brits, the classic holiday combination of sangria and sun may soon be replaced by hiking boots and yoga retreats. Sustainable travel is quickly becoming an active consideration for many, with new research from InsureandGo revealing that three in four people (76%) are now considering greener holiday options for the future, with the younger generation leading the way.

With another summer holiday season marked by what many have described as ‘hellishly hot’ temperatures across southern Europe – and previous research showing that 67% of people are rethinking their travel plans due to extreme weather – it’s no surprise that 44% of adults are considering shifting their holidays to a cooler time of the year. In addition, many are also considering greener alternatives for future holidays – such as flight-free holidays, agrotourism and volunteering to do their bit for the planet.

The new research asked a representative sample of 2,000 adults which alternative type of holidays they would now be more inclined to consider for the future, in order to be more sustainable.

Top 10 alternatives for a greener holiday

1. Walking and hiking holidays (35%)
2. Camping (27%)
3. Flight-free holidays (22%)
4. Travel by train (21%)
5. Wellness breaks (16%)
6. Cycling holidays (16%)
7. Wildlife/safari (15%)
8. Agritourism (10%
9. E-biking (9%)
10. Volunteering abroad (8%)

The prevalence of environment-based considerations when considering future travel is common across all age groups. Whilst the under 35 age group is most likely to be considering eco-friendly travel options (87%), 70% of people aged over 50 also attached importance to positive steps they could consider for the future.

Garry Nelson, Head of Corporate Affairs at InsureandGo commented: “It’s clear that three consecutive summers of extreme weather events are beginning to impact on people’s travel planning for the future. As more of us experience the impact of climate change first-hand, or read about it in the news, many people are having a serious re-think about how, when and where they travel. Our research shows that many are considering holidays for the future that are enjoyable and also kinder to the planet.”

“The new research offers interesting insight into the evolving priorities of travellers today. As a company, InsureandGo is dedicated to leading by example in the travel insurance industry, integrating sustainability into our business and helping to safeguard our planet for future generations. InsureandGo is striving to meet the expectations of today’s eco-aware travellers and making a positive impact on the global environmental landscape.”

Top 5 holiday destinations favoured for their cooler temperatures:
Iceland (22%) –Temperatures average 14-15°C in July
Canada (21%) – Montreal 26°C, Vancouver 22°C offers moderate summer climate
Sweden (18%) – Stockholm gets up to about 24°C
Ireland (17%) – With average temperatures from 13°C – 18°C it offers a pleasantly cooler alternative
Finland (16%) – Helsinki sees temperatures rise to 21°C

Regional round-up: Steps people have already taken this year to be kind to the planet
Across the UK, people in different regions are doing different things to ensure they are respecting the planet when the go on holiday:

Use last year’s summer clothes – top in the South West 52%
I’ll stay in the UK for holidays – top in the East 33%
Reduce the number of bags we take – top in the West Midlands 33%
Take refillable cups, mugs and toiletry bottles – top in the South East 34%
Eat local produce and drinks when at resort – top in the North West 29%
Using public transport rather than a car or taxi at resort – top in London 31%
Go self-catering and use local shops – top in Scotland 25%
Avoid first class and the needless luxuries – top in the East Midlands 28%
Go to a country closer to home – top in Wales 29%

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