STOPTOBER: Eight Habits To Break This Month For Better Bone Health


A TOP doctor has highlighted the ten habits Brits should reverse in order to stop causing damage to their bones.

October has become a month where people make lifestyle changes and ditch fags and booze to live more healthily.

But Dr Taher Mahmud, consultant rheumatologist at the London Osteoporosis Clinic, says this Stoptober we can look further than smoking and drinking to make long-lasting changes to our lifestyle to avoid conditions like osteoporosis.

He says there are ten crucial habits we need to quit to help reverse the growing numbers of us with weakened bones, which can have a serious impact on our quality of life.

“Stoptober is traditionally a month for quitting smoking and drinking but it’s also a great opportunity to stop some of our habits which are impacting our bone health,” he says.

“Your bones are essential to your well-being, not only for their essential role in providing support for our body and protection for our vital organs but as a store for essential minerals and even the creation of blood cells.

“By breaking these ten habits, you can make strides toward better bone strength and reduce the risks of fractures and diseases such as osteoporosis.”

Stop Skipping Meals

Obesity may be on the rise and carrying excessive weight puts pressure on our joints and can increase the risk of osteoarthritis, but skipping meals is not the answer. Skipping meals deprives your body of essential nutrients, especially calcium and vitamin D which are vital for maintaining strong bones. Regular, balanced meals ensure that your body gets the building blocks it needs to preserve bone density and prevent osteoporosis.

Avoid a Sedentary Lifestyle
Inactivity is a major cause of bone loss. Your bones thrive on weight-bearing exercises, stimulating bone growth and strengthening muscles around the bones. Activities like walking, dancing, and resistance training can improve both bone density and muscle mass, reducing the risk of fractures.

Cut Back on Caffeine
Too much caffeine – especially from coffee, sodas, or energy drinks – can interfere with calcium absorption which is essential for healthy bones. If you consume large amounts of caffeine, aim to cut back to protect your bone density and promote better calcium retention. You don’t need to quit completely but this October, try to cut back.

Stop Ignoring Bone Health Screenings
Routine bone density screenings are a critical tool, especially for post-menopausal women or anyone with risk factors for osteoporosis such as family history of the disease. Early detection allows you to take proactive steps to prevent or slow down bone loss, avoiding fractures later in life.

Avoid High-Sodium Diets
Excess salt in your diet can increase calcium excretion through urine, weakening your bones over time. Reducing salt intake helps your body retain more calcium and prevents bone thinning. Focus on fresh, whole foods with low sodium levels to support bone health. Sodium is essential for the body for things like controlling blood pressure and nerve health, but we only need small amounts. By avoiding processed foods you can have a better idea of how much salt you are consuming.

Limit Processed Foods
Many processed foods are low in the essential nutrients your bones need, such as calcium and vitamin D, and may contain additives that hinder calcium absorption. Ultra processed foods in particular are crammed with salts, sugars and other additives which stop us being able to properly monitor what we are consuming. Choose a diet rich in whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins for optimal bone support.

Stop Neglecting Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption. Without it, your bones can become fragile and more prone to fractures. Ensure you get enough vitamin D through safe sun exposure, foods like fatty fish, or supplements, especially during winter when sunlight is limited.

Avoid Prolonged Stress
Chronic stress causes hormonal imbalances that negatively affect bone health, often leading to bone loss. Incorporating stress management techniques such as yoga, meditation, or mindfulness can help protect your bones from the harmful effects of cortisol, the stress hormone.

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