LABOUR’S Barry Gardiner says his two suspended colleagues should now “do the honourable thing” and resign.
Speaking to Michelle Dewberry on GB News, Mr Gardiner reacted to the What’s App scandal which is engulfing Andrew Gwynne and Oliver Ryan.
Mr Gardiner said: “This is just about basic respect for other people. I think what people really hate is the idea that you present one face in public and in private, you’re a completely different person. Now, there’s a role for privacy. Don’t get me wrong, if you’re discussing policy and you are wanting to debate the merits of a policy that you’re thinking about and you disagree, then there’s a role for that debate to be had in private.
“But not when you’re trading insults, not when you’re dissing your colleagues or your constituents. That is just about basic respect for other people. It doesn’t matter whether they’re your constituents or whether they’re your political opponents.
“Gerald Cooney, who is the former Labour leader of Tameside Council, says that he flagged this group and the contents of it, and the members of it and all the rest of it. He says he flagged concerns repeatedly, for example, over a year ago. Why didn’t Labour Act? That’s what I want to know, because apparently they put that back to the regional office 15 months ago, and it is totally unacceptable. I don’t know whether that was passed on to Labour HQ, or whether it was sat on at the regional office. “But the investigation should not just be about those people who were in the group. It should be about those people who actually knew what had taken place and failed to act.
Asked directly “do you think they should resign?” by Michelle Dewberry, Mr Gardiner said: “Yes, I do good if I cut it short. Yes, I do. I think it should result (in that). Can I say, Michelle, it’s not my place to make that judgment. It’s for them to do what is honourable, and it’s for the party to determine that they should not be in the Labour Party or labor MPs. And that process is still underway.”