‘Always on’ lifestyle leading to dry eye syndrome

As people’s stress levels soar, this tension manifests itself physically. Problems such as poor sleep, headaches, and high blood pressure are well documented. However, a critical part of our body is affected but often neglected, and this is our eyes. “Conditions such as dry eye syndrome are becoming commonplace as a result of our fast-changing and ‘always on’ lifestyle. Unless treated immediately, dry eyes can become chronic,” explains Alastair Lockwood, eye health specialist and ophthalmologist at Feel Good Contacts.
What is dry eye syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome is an eye condition that occurs when the eyes do not make enough tears (keratoconjunctivitis sicca), or the tears dry too quickly (evaporative tear loss), depriving the eyes of essential moisture and hydration. Eyes deprived of moisture dry out and become red, swollen and irritated.

What causes dry eye syndrome?

One common cause is a mismatch in the oily secretions in the meibomian gland and the mucus and tear secreting glands of the conjunctiva and lacrimal gland. If the eyelids are not properly apposed, every time we blink, the oils from the eyelid margin don’t go onto the surface of the eye properly and collect around the eyelid margin. This can cause low-grade inflammation as well as dry eye (blepharitis).

There are behavioural causes too:

Wearing contact lenses for too long

Typically, lenses should not be worn for longer than 12 hours unless they are extended wear lenses prescribed to you by your optician.

Not blinking enough

It is common that when you’re looking at a screen, you forget to blink as you are focused on your task. The first method is to try and remember to blink more. Another option is to keep a bottle of eye drops/artificial tears close to you and wet your eyes when they begin to feel dry.

You could be harbouring an eye infection

Dry eyes can be an oncoming or present sign of an eye infection. Other signs to look out for are redness, itching, mucus, pimples or styes.


Allergies bought on by pollen and pet dander can cause dryness and often irritate the eyes.

Your contact lenses are the wrong fit

If the base curve and diameter of a lens is the wrong size, it can cause discomfort on the eye. A well-fitted lens should cover the entire cornea and move slightly with each blink, and shouldn’t move a lot. If it does, this can cause dryness, itchiness and irritation.

Your contact lenses are low quality

It’s essential that you buy your lenses from a reputable retailer who only sells high-quality, authentic products.

You’re using a solution that is causing irritation

It could be that the storing or cleaning solution you’re using is causing you irritation. Try switching solutions for a while and see if it makes a difference.

What are the ways to prevent dry eye syndrome?

There are several measures you can take to prevent dry eye syndrome:

Wrap-around sunglasses can help prevent dry eyes by protecting your eyes from irritants such as wind and dust.

Air conditioning and heating can also cause dry eyes so it’s best to limit your exposure to this.

Cigarette smoke should be avoided at all costs; not only can it cause further irritation to dry eyes, but smoking in the first place can also cause dry eyes.

Limit your screen time excessive screen use can limit your blinking and thus dry your eyes out.

Drink plenty of water It is recommended that you drink 6-8 glasses of water a day to stay perfectly hydrated. Constant hydration will ensure that the lubrication in your eyes doesn’t deplete.

Use artificial tears regularly if you have chronic dry eye diseases and find that your eyes don’t produce enough tears.

Nutritional supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids can reduce dry eye symptoms. In addition to this, you can get omega-3s from fish such as salmon and herring or flaxseed oil.

Warm compresses can also be used to soothe dry eyes.

Is it dangerous to have dry eyes?

Not only can having dry eyes cause discomfort and pain, but it can also permanently damage your vision if left untreated. You are likely to be more at risk of getting an eye infection without adequate tears. A lack of lubrication means that your eyes are more likely to suffer abrasion of the corneal surface, a corneal ulcer, eye inflammation and other problems affecting your vision.

Do dry eyes cause vision loss?

Corneal abrasions resulting from dry eye can cause corneal ulcers if left untreated. A corneal ulcer can cause severe vision loss.

Can dry eye syndrome be cured?

Dry eye syndrome is not always wholly curable. Whether or not dry eye syndrome is curable depends on the cause and how severe it is. However, in most cases, it can be treated successfully, reducing the symptoms and resulting in greater comfort.

How do you permanently treat dry eyes?

Unless treated immediately, dry eyes can become chronic. To permanently treat dry eyes, you should seek treatment from your eye care professional right away. You should introduce healthy lifestyle habits into your day-to-day routine and avoid potential causes of dry eyes, such as spending an excessive amount of time in front of a computer screen.

Whether you have dry eyes or are simply experiencing a few uncomfortable symptoms from time to time, rate your symptoms and find the best solution for them with this Dry Eyes Quiz.

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