Apple security issue – legal comment

Jonathan Compton, partner at city law firm DMH Stallard, said:
“Apple announcements confirm and reinforce its contention that Apple devices are the most secure in the world.
“Recently though, in the tech world press, rumours started to circulate. These rumours suggested that all was not as secure as it might be in the Apple’s eye.
“Journalists must tread carefully when reporting on devices which form the lifeblood of super-corporations. Companies like Apple have weapons grade lawyers and they are not afraid to use them.
“Today, however, those rumours were confirmed; by Apple itself.
“What are the legal aspects here?
“In my view they are twofold.
“In the first instance is the obvious issue of data protection.
“Many users keep the most sensitive personal details and information on their devices. I suspect that Data Commissioners will raise serious questions of Apple.
“But leaving this aside, there are interesting questions on the stifling effect of the laws of Defamation (libel and slander/ malicious falsehood) on the ability of journalists, particularly those in the tech sector, to investigate and break stories affecting the vital economic interests of the tech giants.”