Artist combines Yorkshire heritage & passion for Greece in unique multi-media exhibition spanning 60 years

An artist with a portfolio inspired by his home in Greece and his Hull heritage is currently displaying a selection of his work at a double exhibition in the city.

Peter Huby’s passion for creativity has produced nearly 60 years’ worth of paintings, etchings, sculptures and books which is being showcased in “Hull and Back” at the University of Hull.

A centrepiece in the exhibition is a model inspired by the house that has been built by Peter and his wife Linda Cox, as a work of art in itself, near Kalamata in the Southern Peloponnese.

The exhibition is taking place in the University of Hull Gallery in the Brynmor Jones Library and runs until 12 March 2023.

John Bernasconi, Director of the University of Hull Art Collection, said: “We like to bring our public a wide variety of different exhibitions. This is our first exhibition of 2023 and in itself it has a remarkable variety of themes from the big skies of Spurn Point to the fire skies of Sheffield in the blitz.

“There is also the intricacy and quality of the etchings which date back to the 1960s, the delicacy and fragility of Peter’s classically inspired sculptures and the remarkable colour, curves and sheer vibrancy of the self-built house near Kalamata, in Greece.

“We started with the simple idea of showing Peter’s paintings of Spurn Point, but when we explored his other work we realised it should be a full retrospective exhibition. We’ve never had an exhibition quite like this and it’s an exhilarating way to launch the new year.”

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