As a nation, we will endure 9,828 disappointing cups in our lifetime

They say the British empire was built on cups of tea, however, as a nation, we will endure 9,828 disappointing cups in our lifetime, according to a new survey.
Researchers from Clipper Teas undertook a nationwide study into our tea drinking habits and revealed we drink an average of 28 cups a week, but according to the poll, at least THREE of those are truly disappointing.
Half of those polled said they have had to complain to a partner, friend or work colleague about their lack of brew making efforts, with three in ten claiming they feel genuinely insulted by a poor cup of tea.
In fact, three quarters felt that the way in which a person makes your tea is a solid indication of how well they really know you.
And it is our work colleagues who are most likely to serve a cup that is below par, however four in ten said they are too petrified to confront their boss over bad tea and 20 percent do not dare tell their partner that they hate the way they make it.
A further 19 percent moaned about the way their sibling made tea and 12 percent even took a swipe at their own mum, claiming her tea was undrinkable.