Asda Money and StepChange have launched financial advice for Debt Awareness Week

Asda Money have launched a series of webinars as part of a financial advice event in association with debt charity StepChange.

Debt Awareness Week 2022 takes place between the 21st and 27th March, and the free talks on offer are more relevant than ever as more and more people face the difficulties of rising living costs this year. Each of the talks cover an important money related topic with different expert speakers providing insight. All of the five talks are available to watch now on Asda’s YouTube channel

What’s on the Lunch Money agenda?

Episode 1 – Money at home
How to talk to your loved ones about finances, and what is economic abuse?

Featuring: Andy Shaw, Debt Advice Policy Officer from StepChange and Jasbinder Kaur, Training Officer from Surviving Economic Abuse (SEA).

Episode 2 – The work-money balance
What employers can do to support employee financial wellbeing.

Featuring: Andy Shaw, Debt Advice Policy Officer from StepChange and Jenny Wright, Regional Manager from Money and Pension Service (MaPS).

Episode 3 – Back to school
Teaching children and young people about money.

Featuring: Andy Shaw, Debt Advice Policy Officer from StepChange and Jenny Wright, Regional Manager from Money and Pension Service (MaPS).

Episode 4 – Health, wellbeing & financial freedom
The connection between money and health.

Featuring: Andy Shaw, Debt Advice Policy Officer from StepChange and Rhiannon Long, Senior Editorial Officer from Mind.

Episode 5 – Managing household finances
Staying on top of household bills and understanding money pitfalls.

Featuring Andy Shaw, Debt Advice Policy Officer from StepChange.

Debt Awareness Week 2022 is an annual event with the aim of helping people open up about debt worries and get the help they need.

The Money and Pensions Service found in a recent study that 55 per cent of people don’t feel comfortable opening up to others when they have financial worries, despite 48 per cent admitting they have regularly worried about money recently.

Katie Walley, Senior Director at Asda Money commented, “Asda Money wanted to help break taboo subjects around money, especially as we understand that many people, including some of our customers, will face financial difficulties at this time due to current economic events.”

“Our webinars provide real practical advice from experts on important topics, ranging from educating young people on money to managing household bills. We hope that through the information available we can help encourage people to manage their finances and seek debt advice when they need it.”

Andy Shaw, Debt Advice Policy Officer at StepChange also commented “Whether it’s sharing budgeting tips with friends, or discussing household bills with someone your family, having a good relationship with your finances starts with being able to talk about them. Our clients often tell us they wish they’d got in contact with us sooner, which is why we wanted to get the conversation around debt and finances started around Debt Awareness Week, so people feel more equipped to speak up and seek help when they need it. “

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