The average Brit considers themselves to be 79 percent GOOD

The average Brit considers themselves to be 79 percent GOOD – and 21 percent BAD, according to a new study.

Researchers took an in depth look into how the nation sees themselves – with some surprising results.

According to the data most of us (45 percent) claim we would do anything for anyone, while a further 28 percent would consider themselves to be a “good egg”.

However, behind the smiles and the niceties, 90 percent of us claim to have a dark side – with the average Brit owning up to doing something bad six times in the last 12 months.

Saying something spiteful to hurt someone else (25 percent), sharing a secret had promised you’d keep to yourself (22 percent) and kissing someone you shouldn’t made Brits naughty list.

One in twenty (5 percent) even admitted to having an extra marital affair and 16 percent have sworn at a stranger in the street after a minor disagreement.

The ‘good v bad’ study, which was carried out by online casino also revealed women claim they are more likely to have a dark side than men (61 percent).

In fact, a sinister one in ten (11 percent) of the 1,500 adults polled said they have a dark side that no one knows about.

Yesterday a spokesperson for casino said: “On the whole the research shows most people consider themselves to be good person – but we all have a tendency to go off piste from time to time

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