The average Brit has just 17 days of free time a year according to new research

The average Brit has just 17 days of free time a year, including weekends, according to a new study from Virgin Trains. That’s just over two weeks across the entire year to spend doing the things we really want to do.

A third of us (32%) feel we have less time than we did five years ago, and nearly half of us (46%) wish we had more free time. In fact, Brits actually value free time more than money, material possessions and even career success.

More than half of Brits (51%) would go travelling if they had more time, over a third (34%) would catch up with friends and family and 16% of us would like to learn a new language. Interestingly, the top things people think they miss out on because they don’t have enough free time, are socialising (35%), weekend and day trips (35%), sleep (33%) and sex (20%).

If we’re not doing the things we reallywantto do, then what is taking up all of our precious time?

  • 103 days a year sleeping
  • 9 days a year on social media
  • 11 days of the year cooking and eating
  • 8 days a year doing housework
  • 7 days a year doing exercise
  • 5 days a year in the bathroom

Virgin Trains Free Me

With just 17 days to play with, there’s no time to waste. That’s why Virgin Trains has launched Free Me, an inspiring campaign to encourage people to make the most of their free time this Summer, whether that’s visiting a new city, taking up a new hobby, or watching that film you’ve always wanted to watch.

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