The average Brit walks fewer than 1,000 steps per day

The average Brit walks fewer than 1,000 steps per day, just ONE TENTH of the recommended number, according to new research.
A nation-wide study of Brits has revealed the true extent to which our lifestyles have become sedentary, with almost 1,000 emerging as the average steps taken per person in the UK, despite advice from doctors and health experts to take at least 10,000 steps daily.
And when it comes to going to the gym or working out – Brits have all the excuses, with being unable to find our earphones, being too unfit to work-out and something good on the telly among the most common excuses Brits give for not wanting to go to the gym, according to a new study.
Worryingly, of those polled, nearly two thirds (65 percent) said they take their health for granted and need to look after their body a bit more, while 19 percent said they always get their partner and colleagues to fetch things for them.
Similarly, the research showed the average Brit is sedentary for up to six and a half hours a day, with one in five describing themselves as ‘very lazy’.