Average Brit Walks Just 32,000 Miles In A Lifetime: New Data From Rockport

Rockport present new data on the walking habits of the UK. With modern day jobs, and constantly evolving technology resulting in more time spent behind screens and less time on our feet, the Boston based footwear brand have revealed key statistics on how we move as a nation. The research revealed Brits on average walk 32,000 miles between the age of 16 and 65, with a quarter (25%) of young people (aged 25-34) walking only 1 mile or less each day. Leeds (2.02 miles a day) was also shown to be the UK’s most walking city and Brits living in Nottingham (1.67 miles a day) to be the least walking.

Whilst the average distances walked appear low, Brits were prepared to make sacrifices, if it meant being able to walk to work. 12% of respondents would be willing to sacrifice their car completely if it afforded them the chance to walk to work, and a further 12% would give up a slightly higher salary in return for the privilege. Over all, money proved more of a pull to older participants with just 5% of over 55 year olds prepared to sacrifice the cash, compared to 20% of 16-24 year olds. Male respondents (16%) also appeared more willing to part with their car in exchange for a walkable commute than female respondents at 10%.

In addition to respondent’s walking habits, the Boston brand also provided refreshing statistics on the public’s preferences when it comes to exercise in general. Almost a third (31%) of young people aged 16-24 would rather swim than go to the gym, with Londoners the least likely in the UK to choose a walk outdoors than a session in the gym (32%). Respondents based in Wales revealed themselves as perhaps the most outdoor-orientated region in the UK, with more than half choosing outdoor walking over going to the gym (56%).

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