B-Corp Status: Making corporate sustainability more than a tick-box operation

The B-Corp movement, which has grown globally over the past few years to include thousands of companies from around the world, is encouraging companies to prove enhanced commitments to environmental and social goals. The certification of B Corp status labels companies as a “force for good,” and is now a top priority for companies as ESG strategies remain at the top of business’s agendas globally. Setting out to be the gold standard, firms that wish to be certified have to adopt high levels of transparency, environmental and social performance, and legal accountability to prove their company is making a difference. With ESG strategies becoming more important for everything from investment to M&As, to staff retention, the number of companies seeking certification continues to accelerate globally, with the UK leading the pack. More than 1,000 companies are now B-Corp certified in the UK, the highest relative to its population in the world, and for good reason. This certification does wonders for PR, with Waitrose and Ocado creating virtual isles in their online shops for B-Corp certified products in their shops, and younger potential employees of firms increasingly demand their employers reaches the status. In light of this, Britain’s leading sustainability and money saving platform – SaveMoneyCutCarbon – has launched a 12-month programme called EcoWise, aimed at encouraging staff to learn, employ practical changes in their home and workplace, and reap rewards – all while providing quantifiable data for firms to report on their ESG strategies and reach B-Corp status.

As employees take more of an active stance in the companies that they choose to work for, organisations that truly care about their environmental impact and make strides to ensure their staff are educated on the effects of their everyday decisions, are becoming more and more attractive to employees today when looking for work. For employees to be fully engaged, it’s imperative that they feel their voices are being heard, their values being taken into consideration, and their work making a positive difference. A landmark report from SaveMoneyCutCarbon found that 34% of Brits agreed that they would be more loyal to their workplace if they provided them more detailed information on how to be greener at work and at home.

What is EcoWise?
SaveMoneyCutCarbon’s carbon literacy programme is a 12-month course for employees consisting of carbon literacy assessments, access to education, rewards for employees who make the most of the programme, and quantifiable data on the progress of companies ESG strategies. Different to other programmes, EcoWise doesn’t just provide advice and information, but the actual tools and technologies to make theses changes–from eco-friendly daily consumables to full home retrofit. They also offer customer support and financing to remove all barriers.

How EcoWise Works:
The platform is designed to assess the carbon literacy of your staff at the start & end to measure improvement over time.

It also provides access to weekly easy-to-read articles, guides, and other content designed to encourage behaviour change through their “Sustainability as a Service” (SaaS) platform – combining advice, education, and tools plus end-to-end delivery of building decarbonisation projects. A key part of every service they offer is access to Impact Statements, which measure the impact of the changes you, your customers, your supply chain, and your employees make. This data can then be used to enhance your ESG reporting.

EcoWise rewards employees for learning how to be more sustainable, cutting their energy bills and saving money. Each time an employee reads an article and completes a quiz they receive Planet Points which can be used to purchase thousands of eco-friendly items from the SaveMoneyCutCarbon online shop.

Data from your employees’ Impact Statements can be aggregated & anonymised for your ESG reporting. As a key part of every service offered is access to Impact Statements, which measure the impact of the changes you, your customers, your supply chain, and your employees make.

One Planet, One Partner
Regardless of the size of your organisation, building a ESG plan and making these changes can be a minefield. SaveMoneyCutCarbon serves to provide direct account management, delivering roadmap planning, financing, product supply, installation, engagement programmes, measurement tracking and more to support your ESG goals across all stakeholders.

About SaveMoneyCutCarbon
SaveMoneyCutCarbon is the go-to-partner for sustainability. They help businesses and consumers take practical steps to a more sustainable future by providing products, solutions and expertise to support your full range of ESG and financial goals. Their promise is in their name; it reflects the clear, no-nonsense way they go about our work. Through delivering more than 1,000 sustainability projects saving customers millions of pounds off their bottom line and 27 million kilowatts of energy last year alone. SaveMoneyCutCarbon supplies over 75 leading technologies across solar, lighting, water solutions and more to make your operations as low-cost and planet-friendly as possible – all with a single partner.

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