Beans on bix breakfast suggestion sparks 15% increase in Weetabix packs sold

The UK’s number one breakfast cereal, Weetabix1, has seen a surge in sales of their Weetabix Original cereal with Sainsbury’s reporting an uplift of 15% since Tuesday.

This comes as a result of a social post that went viral earlier this week featuring baked beans on Weetabix, which sparked conversation and debate nationwide over the recipe. With the tweet generating over one billion views worldwide, boxes of Weetabix Original and cans of baked beans have been flying off the shelves and into online baskets, across the country.


Gareth Turner, Head of Brand at Weetabix Food Company, said: “We certainly didn’t imagine we’d get such a big response on social media and it was fantastic to be the number one trending topic in the UK earlier this week. With Valentine’s Day approaching, our ‘Love Story’ between Weetabix and baked beans seems to have caught Brits’ imaginations with shoppers keen to try the pairing themselves. The surge in demand has ‘bean’ keeping us very busy as packs have flown off the shelves!”

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