Bedford, Bristol and Bath crowned the sustainable caffeine hotspots

A study by Kent Tea and Coffee reveals which Brits are the most environmentally
conscious about their Tea and Coffee consumption

● Bradford, Luton and Stoke-on-Trent least clued up about sustainable tea and
coffee habits
● Seaside sustainability: Eastbourne, Southend-on-sea and Exeter have the
highest volume of searches for zero-waste and sustainable shops
● Unrivalled Recyclers: Bedford, Bath and St Helens google about ‘recycling’ the
● Northern Irish most likely to exaggerate how much they care about buying

Single use coffee cups contribute around 52,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide to our
atmosphere and some brands of tea-bags can be up to 25% plastic. But which UK
residents are the most clued up when it comes to the environmental impact of their
favourite brews? Kent Tea and Coffee evaluated the habits of over 100 UK cities using
Google search volumes and survey data to find out.

To locate the Brits most concerned about the ‘sustainability’ of their caffeine, Kent Tea
and Coffee examined the search volume of the following terms:
1. Plastic free tea bags
2. Recycling
3. Reusable coffee cups
4. Zero waste/ sustainable shops
5. Coffee beans
6. Loose leaf tea

They also cross referenced this with how much Brits claimed to care about their caffeine
carbon footprint according to a survey they conducted in February 2021.

The Top 10
Overall, there were some clear winners. In third position — particularly thanks to a high
volume of searches for ‘reusable coffee cups’ and ‘loose leaf tea’ — is Bath.

In second place, searching most in the country for ‘reusable coffee cups’ and third most
for ‘loose leaf tea’ and ‘coffee beans’, is neighbour Bristol.

But residents of Bedford top the list. They are googling ‘recycling’ more than anyone
else, and they score highly on all other factors too. This isn’t the first time that the city
has topped a list thanks to its good deeds — in 2014, JustGiving revealed that the city
was the most generous in the UK

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