‘Beige flag’ has seen an increase of 4,247% in Google searches this month

Experts at Jeffbet.com analysed Google Trends data to reveal the skyrocketing spike in searches for the term ‘Beige flag’. Google searches for this term have built up over the last few months with an average of 21,743 searches in June.

‘Green flags’ and ‘red flags’ have been a popular recent trend, with videos featuring them circulating on TikTok frequently. Green flags are those of your partner or yourself that are seen as a positive trait and a complete turn on. Red flags however are ones that crop up that tell you to not carry on in that situation, they are typically deal breakers.

Now what is a beige flag and how can you identify yours?

A beige flag is linked to the ‘ick’ culture and is something a person does that is not good but is also not a complete turn-off – it just makes you question it in the moment but can be easily moved on from or accepted.

Here Lois Choi discusses the urban dictionary definition stating “Some that’s neither good nor bad but makes you pause for a minute when you notice it and then you just continue on.” https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZGJXj4vHr/

An example is “My boyfriend’s beige flag is that he sets timers instead of alarms. It’s midnight and he needs to wake up at 6? He’ll set a six-hour timer”. Now albeit strange and food for thought, this is not a deal breaker.

“My fiancé’s beige flag is that he doesn’t like to eat dinner in silence. He will google ‘couples questions’ or ‘relationships quiz” and ask me the most random yet intimate questions in a room full of people as if we’re in our own world.” https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZGJXj4fCL/.

Do you do anything slightly out of the ordinary that leaves people puzzled? Cutting up every food into small pieces, always saying “funny story” before you tell the story or liking pineapples on pizza (although that can be seen as a red flag to many).

A spokesperson for Jeffbet.com commented:

“The terms red and green flags have been circulating the dating world recently with many people ‘choosing to ignore’ said red flags in a partner in order to keep the relationship going or to begin one. If a red flag appears, these should not be ignored as the likelihood that a person can adapt this trait is low and it may appear again deeper into your relationship.

“Now everyone has little quirks about themselves, but one person’s beige flag could be another’s red flag. It is important to recognise for yourself what traits you are looking for in a partner and which ones you would certainly not put up with. Working this out will help you to spot these on the dating scene and narrow down the pool by ‘swiping left’ on these flags.

“The introduction of the term ‘beige flag’ makes you wonder if the breakup really was ‘it’s not you, it’s me’, or if your quirk pushed them a little too far.”

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