Bestselling book explains how to create positive habits and break negative ones.

In his Amazon bestselling book, The Fitness Mindset, health expert Brian Keane, from Galway, Ireland, explains how to create positive habits and break negative ones.
Brian Keane, originally from Maam Valley in Connemara, Ireland, takes influence from author, Charles Duhigg’s system of habits. He refers to the ‘routine – cue – reward’ system which claims you can effectively change a habit by changing one of the components of this system.
Brian Keane, a former school teacher and fitness model said, “For me, the routine of coming home from work was always going to be the same, so I changed the cue. Instead of automatically reaching for chocolate bars in the cupboard, I left a pre-packed gym bag beside the front door. I would come home (routine), pick up my gym bag (new cue) and the (reward) came via the serotonin release from exercise.”
Brian Keane believes that becoming self-aware of your negative behaviour, patterns and habits isn’t always easy. He says, “It is essential to recognise which habits are supporting you and which ones are destructive to your life. Reading books, using podcasts and following the right people on social media is crucial to change as they can ‘point’ things out in a way that you have missed or failed to see.