Big Brother star Tom Barber is at it AGAIN

by Jacqui Tucker
He does love a good old flirt, so making the most of his Saturday evening – the single and ready to mingle Big Brother hunk was back at it yet again.
Tom Barber was spotted cosying up to a mystery blonde, the pair couldn’t keep their hands off each other.
Barber moved on to his next conquest in classic big brother style as a mystery blonde joined him backstage at Don Giovanni Restaurant & Bar’s 33rd Birthday Party.
Fans will be eager to know who the gorgeous lady getting Barber’s undivided attention is, in pictures seen by this outlet she seems to be attempting to undress the hunk.
Rumours are Tom will be appearing on the next series of Ex On The Beach with recent flings Laura Weekender, MTV babe Crystal, and Ex Love Paris Grace sister of Welsh Beauty Lateshya Grace.
Barber’s rep was unavailable for comment when The Daily Brit reached out to them.
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