Bluewater set to launch clean drinking water movement

Bluewater, a global leader in residential water purification technologies, is excited to be returning to Amsterdam, the Netherlands capital, for one of the largest water technology events in the world – Aquatech 17. From 31 October to 3 November, Bluewater will showcase premium products that deliver unmatched purified water delivery efficiency as well as unveil plans to build a planet-wide movement to bring purer water to everyone and tackle reliance on single-use plastic.
“We will be showing visitors from 139 countries our complete model range of water purification products, including Bluewater’s compact, direct-flow Pro and Spirit water purifiers that harness the company’s unique patented second-generation SuperiorOsmosis™ technology,” said Bluewater European sales chief, Ting Li. The Bluewater SuperiorOsmosis™ technology delivers unmatched purification efficiency, operating capacity and service life giving users up to 8,000 liters of direct-flow water a day.
Bluewater SuperiorOsmosis™ resolves the criticism thrown at traditional RO technology that it generates more waste water than clean drinking water. Bluewater’s technology removes contaminants such as toxic metals, chemicals, pharmaceutical residues, micro-organisms and other harmful substances and particles down to 0.0001 microns while also slashing the reject water stemming from the filtration processes.