Brits want a QUIET LIFE by age 24 according to new research

Forget nights on the tiles, as new research shows modern Brits want to live “the quiet life” by the age of 24, according to new research.
A new survey has revealed that modern Brits prefer to indulge in a more tranquil existence by their mid-twenties, with 90 percent saying they would love a bit more peace and quiet in their lives.
In fact, as many as 43 percent of the 1,500 Brits polled by Whirlpool would PREFER a night in on the sofa than a night out with friends and that goes in particular for women with nearly half of them preferring to stay in (only 34 percent of men would forego socialising to stay in).
However even if they do go out, 35 percent of respondents would ideally like to be tucked up in bed before 11pm.
According to the data, 42 percent of people just love a good walk in the country and 36 percent of people would like to read their book in peace and 32 percent wanting to soak in the bath.
And if we don’t get our own way and our peaceful reflections are broken, that can mean big trouble, particularly in households, where 54 percent of people admit that they’ve have arguments with their other half because of noise levels in the home.
In order to try and find some peace, at some point in the day, over three quarters of us seek out quiet time by closing the door to try and find some serene “me time”. This is even more prevalent among the younger generation with 80 percent of 16-29 year olds making sure they can spend some quiet time alone as compared to just 55 percent of 45-to-59 year olds.
The most common disturbances, which we resent most of all, are people shouting in the streets (32 percent), cold callers (27 percent), our own beloved children (24 percent) and noisy appliances (21 percent) which were equally annoying as neighbours having parties.
Regionally, Belfast was the most hectic city with nearly 80 percent of people claiming they had a busy life compared to only 62 percent in more chilled-out Edinburgh.
- You resent people talking loudly on their phones
- You hate having to listen the next-door neighbour’s music blaring
- You find loud TV or radio distracting
- You prefer a relaxing beach holiday to a booze fuelled party trip
- You do not wish to listen to music coming through other people’s headphones
- You prefer to be in bed before 11pm most nights
- You often turn down invites to big nights out
- You enjoy nights in on the sofa more than nights out with friends
- You shouldn’t have to hear other people’s children screaming in public
- The sound of loud appliances in the home is distracting
- You resent hearing your neighbours doing DIY
- You prefer relaxing music to loud music
- You enjoy time away from social media
- You often put your WhatsApp notifications on silent
- You enjoy walks in the countryside
- A nice cup of tea makes you happy
- You enjoy cooking more than eating out
- You stay out for one drink, then leave the party early
- You enjoy a good book in peace
- You enjoy nice long hot baths with music
- You choose not to lose your temper when someone is being rude