BUFFALO TRACE DISTILLERY REVEALS – One in three Brits ‘hate’ unexpected phone calls and a quarter rarely or never answer them.

*** FREE FOR EDITORIAL USE *** Members of the public answered an unexpected phone call offering access to the world's most exclusive whiskeys. World’s Most Award-Winning Distillery brings authentic American whiskey tasting and retail experience to the heart of Covent Garden in London. The whiskey brand also turned an iconic British phone box green in Covent Garden and challenged passers-by to answer a call from inside, with those who dared to pick up the phone getting an exclusive tasting experience.
One in three Brits ‘hate’ unexpected phone calls and a quarter rarely or never answer them.
A poll of 2,000 adults found 31 per cent ‘panic’ when the phone rings – especially if it’s from an unknown number or someone they haven’t heard from in a while.
As many as 40 per cent prefer to know when someone is going to ring them, and half simply won’t pick up a call that they’re not expecting. But for anyone planning to ring someone without pre-warning, try doing it in the afternoon – as it’s the time people are most likely to actually pick up.
The study was commissioned by Buffalo Trace Distillery [www.BuffaloTraceDistillery.co.uk] ahead of the opening its first store outside of the USA, on 6th May.
The whiskey brand also turned an iconic British phone box green in Covent Garden and challenged passers-by to answer a call from inside, with those who dared to pick up the phone getting an exclusive tasting experience.
Andrew Duncan, global brand director for the brand, said: “It’s clear spontaneity is becoming a lost art form. “And we think that’s a shame because many of life’s greatest experiences happen when one commits to living what we like to call perfectly untamed – bolder, more daring, and less afraid of the unknown. “We believe fortune favours the bold, and picking up the phone has the potential to result in some amazing adventures.”
The study also found nearly 37 per cent are less likely to pick up an unexpected call now than they were five years ago. Although while 30 per cent of men prefer to plan everything in their lives and could never do something spontaneously, only 23 per cent of women felt the same.
Similarly, 72 per cent of women are more likely to answer the phone from an unknown number, compared to 57 per cent of men. And 12 per cent said it’s been a week or longer since they spoke to someone on the phone – with some not even remembering the last time. Instead, 26 per cent prefer to communicate via social media rather than using their voice on a phone line. But the research, carried out via OnePoll, found 23 per cent of those who have answered a call they weren’t expecting revealed it led to something surprisingly good.
Andrew Duncan added: “As communication moves more online, it’s natural to feel less comfortable with picking up the phone when it rings, but there really is no substitute for tangible moments of connection with others. “We wanted to remind people that sometimes, the unexpected call can lead to simple but important delights, like spending quality time with friends and family. “Unexpected moments shared over a glass of whiskey are, unsurprisingly, some of our favourites.”