LEADING UK fresh dog food brand, Butternut Box, has announced an exciting new partnership with one of the nation’s favourite on-screen vets, Dr Bolu Eso.

With both Butternut Box and Dr Bolu sharing a love for pups across the nation and ensuring their health and happiness is their ongoing mission, it is set to be a ‘pooch perfect’ partnership for the year ahead.

Butternut Box chose to bring Dr Bolu on board for his expertise in the veterinary field, as well as his belief in the brand’s products and his love for what they stand for.

Graduating in 2019 with an Honours and a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine and Intercalated Master of Science, Bolu has a wealth of experience looking after pets of all breeds, shapes, and sizes, and is committed to caring for the health and wellbeing of all furry friends.

Known for his TV appearances on various British TV shows and viral hits on social media, Bolu is keen to continue educating and entertaining the nation with his new partnership with dog food brand, Butternut Box.

Founded in 2016, Butternut Box has become the leading fresh dog food company in the UK and Europe, thanks to its highly personalised dietary offering and digital first approach.

Most recently, Butternut Box hosted a social competition that put the nation’s dogs on eye-catching billboards across the country.

Delivering delicious, human-quality meals for dogs, full of freshly prepared ingredients, straight to customers’ doors, Butternut Box understands the importance of all dogs leading healthier lifestyles, and their brand ethos is aligned perfectly with Bolu’s passion and commitment to the nations’ pets.

Dr Bolu Eso, TV vet commented; “I’m truly thrilled to be working alongside the brilliant minds at Butternut Box. Putting pets at the heart of everything they do, speaks volumes and being able to provide veterinary expertise to ensure both dogs and their owners are happy and healthy, couldn’t resonate more with me.”

Khadeeja Paul, Brand Manager at Butternut Box says; “We’re more than excited to have Dr Bolu Eso on board as the newest member of our Butternut Box squad. He’s exactly the sort of health-conscious animal lover that really understands what we’re trying to achieve, and we’re grateful to have his expertise to help with our mission to deliver health and happiness to dogs and their humans across the world.

“Looking at the year ahead, we have some exciting activity in the pipeline, including surprise pop-ups and national competitions planned for the summer months. We’re delighted to have Dr Bolu’s involvement in this upcoming activity as well as his credible voice throwing support behind the quality of the brand and helping to represent what we do and why we do it.”

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