Caffeine loving Britons consume 1,460 cups of coffee a year

We love you coffee, we do! We love you coffee, we do!
Caffeine loving Britons consume 1,460 cups of coffee a year on average (that’s 93,440 cups in an adult lifetime), according to new research.
Researchers took an in-depth look into the hot beverage habits of the nation and discovered £676 is the average amount Brits now spend each year on coffee from shops and cafes – that amounts to £43,264 over a lifetime.
According to the poll, we now drink an average of four cups a day – with the latte the most popular coffee of choice.
And according to the data, people from Cardiff are the biggest fans of the black stuff – with folk from the Welsh capital downing a staggering 1,825 cups a year, more than any other City in the U.K.
The poll shows a staggering 61 percent of us prefer drinking coffee to tea, with a separate report by retail research consultancy Allegra, revealing there are now 22,845 coffee shops in the UK, a six percent increase year on year – with 2.3 billion coffees a year being bought and consumed out of home.