Dancing and singalongs were the order of the day at Hugh Myddelton care home in Southgate where residents were keen to get involved in World Music Day on June 21st.
La Fete de la Musique was first celebrated in France in 1982 when amateur and professional musicians performed on the streets of Paris. Other countries adopted the same date to celebrate all different types of live music and the European Festival of Music soon became World Music Day as countries around the globe got on board.
At Hugh Myddelton we celebrated world music day by having a special guest over Pete staff and our residents went to the garden in the gorgeous sun for a live performance with him playing many classics creating an atmosphere of joy and nostalgia brining smiles on our residents faces, we’re so grateful for these special moments that bring us together
Gunel Bayramova the Activities Co-ordinator at Hugh Myddelton House commented: “Our residents love to dance, sing and listen to music, so World Music Day is a fantastic excuse for us to play our favourite songs, let our hair down and have a bit of a boogie.”
Jade Shea General Manager at the home, said: “Our residents have had a great day enjoying all different kinds of music. We have all been testing our music knowledge with our quiz which was so much fun, and then listening to our favourite songs and pieces of music – we have had all genres today from opera to hiphop, something for everyone!”