Care homes to celebrate friendship across local communities in 2018

Once again care homes are planning to celebrate connections with their local communities. After a successful day of celebrating great care across the UK on Care Home Open Day 2017, with over 2,568 care homes taking part, this year’s event is on the Saturday 21 April.
With Care Home Open Day’s emphasis on the importance of connecting with local communities, developing lasting relationships and encouraging intergenerational rapport, the theme for this year will be ‘Linking Communities’.
Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England says:
“In this day and age, care homes can and should be the hub of the community. We at Care England are keen to support Care Home Open Day 2018 as a means of celebrating the links our members have with their wider communities. We encourage everyone to get involved to make it a day to remember”.
Care Home Open Day 2018 is the perfect recipe for having fun with your neighbours, feeding community spirit and helping to build stronger neighbourhood connections.
Care homes are encouraged to celebrate friendships that have developed between residents, families, friends and staff, as well as with their neighbours, to reinforce how they should be an integral part of their local area #CHOD2018