Cheltenham man in quest to raise £1 million for charity Starlight

Cheltenham firm PKL is supporting its Quay Manager Ian Bateman in his quest to raise £1 million for charity Starlight in memory of his son Josh.
Ian and his wife Mandy have been raising funds for the charity, which makes dreams come true for terminally ill children, for 12 years after the death of their son Josh. Josh, a huge Lord of the Rings fan, was given the opportunity to have lunch with Orlando Bloom, who played Legolas in the hugely popular films.
Josh asked his parents to help other children have the experience he had thanks to Starlight before his death in August 2006, aged 11, from a brain tumour. They have honoured his wish and his memory with a series of fundraising events over the past decade and more.
The Worcester couple held another event on April 7th 2018, with the aim of raising enough funds to bring the money raised in Josh’s name to £1 million. The event, a special ball entitled “Josh’s Do” was held at The Worcester Whitehouse Hotel, and raised an incredible £13,860. Thanks to it, the figure the couple have raised now stands at £972,000.