Clock up the miles this Easter, and into the Summer term, in Schoolreaders Race for Reading and help more children leave primary school able to read well.

The 80-day virtual Around the World challenge runs until June 19th 2023. Set your distance, go it alone or with friends, family, your sports’ club or book group, and commit to walk, run, cycle, swim or even walk a dog to help cover the distance around the world – 25,000 miles, following in the footsteps of legendary fictional explorer Phileas Fogg!
Every step will help national literacy charity, Schoolreaders, recruit more volunteers to provide crucial weekly classroom reading support to primary school children nationwide, targeting those with the greatest need.
Everyone’s collective effort contributes to the total distance around the world and there are medals and sports tees available for fundraising and mileage goals. It’s a great Easter Half term activity to make sure the kids get up and about, whilst helping other children just like them.
1 in 4 children (200,000 pupils) leave primary school each year unable to read to the required standard1 which can have life-long consequences. Literacy opens doors, helps learning and brings new opportunities.
It’s free to register so sign up and take your steps to help improve children’s reading today at Race for Reading.
Race for Reading is sponsored by a fantastic company with links to the educational world, Maths Circle Ltd; creators of Times Table Rock Stars and NumBots.