Cornwall-Based Beauty Brand Bloomtown sets the pace

Cornwall-based beauty company Bloomtown Ltd has received Orangutan Alliance palm oil-free certification for its full range body & skincare, becoming the first company in the UK to do so.
Recent news of supermarket chain Iceland’s plans to remove palm oil from its own brand products has put the spotlight on the environmental issues caused by palm oil cultivation, namely the clearing of virgin rainforest in Indonesia and Malaysia, which is driving the extinction of critically endangered orangutans, tigers, elephants and rhinos.
Launched in 2017, the Orangutan Alliance International Palm Oil-Free Certification team is comprised of qualified food, beauty, product development and sustainability experts who wanted to assist through consumer choice on the issue of conflict palm oil. Orangutan Alliance, a registered charity, advocates for consumer choice as well as supports grassroots conservation and forest protection projects affected by conflict palm oil, though profits from their certification program.
“Consumers are now wanting full disclosure in their food beyond allergen declarations for environmental to ethical reasons and we are here to provide that choice.” said Maria Abadilla Founder and Chairperson of Orangutan Alliance
“There needs to be new ingredient solutions coming from the industry including new options, not requiring so much land associated with deforestation.” said Abadilla
Abadilla adds “If demand is where change starts, then it’s up to consumers to change the way they buy and vote to promote transparency in the industry. They should also consider supporting the amazing work that so many NGO’s are doing on the ground while we work for change to occur.”