It has finally arrived – the day that gyms and swimming pools have been given the go ahead to reopen (25th July 2020). The government’s announcement could not have come quick enough for some regular gym goers – of any age – but this will come as a shock to their bodies as they take on the treadmill, row from England to France on the rowing machine or simply do a few lengths of the pool.

Injuries and strain on muscles and joints are inevitable as bodies re-adjust to the use of a fully equipped gym, as opposed to the home exercising routines undertaken during the lockdown. Jumping in a pool for the first time in months will equally cause strain, as swimming uses a whole range of the body’s muscles.

A person sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedPernaton™, the leading green-lipped mussel extract gel manufacturer, produce a warming gel to sooth aches, pains and injuries caused by exercise, Pernaton™ Gel Forte. Applying a small amount of the warming gel to the affected muscle can relieve sprains, strains and stretch fatigue likely to be felt after going back to pre-lockdown exercising.

Dr Sedat Sevimli is an expert in Green-Lipped Mussel extract from Pernaton. He comments: “Green-lipped mussels have a variety of health benefits for the human body, from an extract known as Perna. Perna has a functional Glycogen complex, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, 11 different minerals and 18 vital amino acids – all vital for healthy muscles and joints. With the addition of the heating effect of the cayenne pepper extract in the Forte gel, it is great for relieving aches and pains following extra use of muscles during exercise or even DIY or gardening activities.”

It is vital to take the guidance of fitness professionals and ensure you are warming up your muscles before exercise and leave time for a cool down period too.

Pernaton is available to buy online. For more information about the range of products available and some tips on how and when to use them, visit

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