Council moves to designate Forest of Dean District as a Biosphere

Forest of Dean District Councillors have voted unanimously to support an application to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) to designate the Forest of Dean District as a biosphere, helping to support the long-term sustainability of the district’s environment and economy.
Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency, Cllr Chris McFarling said:
“I am overjoyed that Council members have voted to approve the Council’s determination to successfully apply to the UK Man and the Biosphere committee and the government for UNESCO Biosphere status.
“The unique value of the natural environment in the Forest of Dean District is internationally recognised and Biosphere designation is an opportunity to help protect and celebrate it for generations to come.
“It does this by recognising the importance of the relationship, the connection even, between people and nature and what is special about an area’s biodiversity and culture. It helps to promote that local relationship, putting people and place first, whilst nurturing local economic and community prosperity through sustainable development. Projects that protect nature will benefit all and continue to ensure people still have the freedom of the Forest and accessibility to it that I know we all cherish.
“Not only will a Biosphere designation help to protect the Forest of Dean District, it will enable all to learn how best to live with nature, encouraging us to become more resilient, adaptive and self reliant.
“Being designated as a Biosphere has been shown to increase the brand value of an area as a tourism destination and for the goods produced in the region, and the Forest of Dean, its businesses and its communities will stand to benefit significantly from this. Indeed, an investment in the Forest Biosphere is more than likely to provide us with nearly a fourfold return in value over time.
“Achieving Biosphere designation will leave a lasting legacy for Forest of Dean District Council and our commitment to protecting the incredible natural environment we have here. I’d like to thank everyone who has been and continues to be involved in this project since it began as a good idea in 2017.”
Previously, the Forest Economic Partnership had undertaken work to answer the question “What if the Forest of Dean became a Forest Biosphere?”. They sought feedback in a public survey ‘The Forest we Want’ on the principles of pursuing UNESCO Biosphere Designation to determine if the community supported this idea.
Over six hundred people and forty businesses took part in the ‘Forest We Want’ survey, with the survey data showing broad community support for the designation of the Forest of Dean District as a Biosphere.
Some survey respondents sought reassurance around the economic effect on those already living within the district and the effect on house price, particularly for first time buyers. There were also points raised around potential restrictions that might be placed on publicly accessible Forestry England land.
The evidence from other designated Biospheres and reports received by the Council indicates that there are benefits to the local economy with a clear return on investment in setting up a biosphere, including supporting job creation. Biosphere designation also aligns with promoting sustainable tourism where visitors make broader use of a destination for a richer experience. However, Biosphere designation does not introduce any new legislation or statutory controls and does not have powers to remove access rights powers or stop development.
Cllr McFarling continued:
“From speaking to organisations such as Forestry England and residents, as well as the data received from previous surveys, we know that an overwhelming majority are in support of this project.
“This is not about stopping growth and development but is a way of making sure that development acknowledges and recognises the value of the natural world and works with it.”
With Councillors now voting to approve designation, officers and stakeholders will work with UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme on the next stage of the process to recognise the Forest of Dean District as a biosphere.
Details on the Council’s previous work toward Biosphere designation, as well as frequently asked questions and details of previous consultations can be found here: