Coupling Up Takes a Back Seat as Brits Admit they Enjoy Spending More on Time on their Own

Has Valentine’s had its Day? Singletons are less stressed than ever about coupling up, with just 3% of people in the UK even interested in finding dates for Valentine’s Day through dating apps. Even those coupled up are less inclined to celebrate. 1 in 5 couples reveal they don’t celebrate at all, only 13% exchange gifts and just 1 in 10 whisk their partners away for a romantic weekend.
New research from Mobility Super App, FREENOW, reveals that couple stuff is out and spending time by yourself is in, with two in three (65%) UK adults enjoying going out on their own. Respondents agreed that it’s a great way to meet new people (20%) and that being alone is both enriching and empowering (21%).
Singles are forgetting about dating on Valentine’s Day, as 42% instead opt for fun with friends and family. In fact, other days that celebrate non-romantic relationships are gaining popularity, with over half of Brits (52%) saying that it is important to celebrate ‘Singles Awareness Day’ on the 15th February.
Although finding love may have fallen off people’s list of priorities, almost half (46%) of singles say they still feel prejudice in social situations.
Psychologist and Relationship Coach Jo Hemmings supports that getting out and trying new things alone can increase self-esteem and a positive outlook. She reveals how we need to ditch the common stereotypes of what you can and can’t do solo.
Jo Hemmings comments: “In recent years, there has been a rise in ‘single-positive’ people who appreciate time alone, not just to relax at home, but to go out for supper, learn a new skill, go to the cinema or visit an exhibition.
“Instead of feeling like you’re missing out on being romantically coupled up on Valentine’s Day – you can dodge the artificial and expensive tables for two and go out and celebrate with your friends on a Galentine’s version, gaining an often unexpected pleasure from the joy of being single.
“As more and more people go out and travel on their own, their personal self-awareness and self-esteem will increase, while the sense of social stigma at being on their own will significantly decrease.”
With more people getting out and about on their own, 60% of people say that getting a taxi is their preferred mode of transport when going out alone. To celebrate this, FREENOW is offering 50% discount* off FREENOW trips to new users from the 15th to the 18th of February; all they have to do is use the code SELFLOVE24.
Mariusz Zabrocki, General Manager at FREENOW commented:
“Our ethos has always been that we want more people to get out and explore their cities conveniently, reliably and safely and, as the data proves, most people choose taxis as their preferred transportation when travelling alone. While Valentine’s Day is a fantastic time to celebrate, exploring the city and new activities that don’t revolve around your significant other can be a fun and enriching experience.”