Creating The Bingo Hall In Your Home: The Must-Haves

Bingo is one of the nation’s favourite hobbies at present, with millions of players making the most of the online format worldwide. But while we’re all enjoying games such as 90-ball bingo, Swedish Bingo, and slingo bingo from the comfort of our own home on our laptops or phones, we can’t help but miss the real thing.
That’s why we’ve decided to bring the bingo hall to you, helping you create the perfect set-up to either enjoy a game online, or at home with the family. But what are the must haves to recreate such a venue?
Sparkly Jackets
Bingo has always been a great night out, and many of the best uk online casinos today are still helping recreate that. 90-ball bingo and 75-ball bingo are bringing the more traditional form to our screens, while slingo bingo is another variation which has taken the game to new levels, offering plenty of excitement and even faster gameplay.
The difference with online bingo to real bingo, is the lack of a caller. So, if you’re going to make your home as close to the real thing, someone has to take on that role. If playing online, that’ll likely be yourself, so don the sparkly jacket and be prepared to announce the calls yourself as they appear on screen. Alternatively, if you’re playing offline, then add a bowl of balls and you’re ready to start calling. Don’t forget to use your bingo call terms though!
Chicken in a Basket
As many bingo halls across the world proved in the 1980s, a night at the bingo isn’t complete without a bit of food, especially in the UK. Chicken in a basket especially was a huge hit throughout the 1960s to 1980s in working-class venues and none more so than bingo halls.
So if you’re really wanting to enjoy bingo from home in style, then this recipe from Tom Kerridge is certainly the one for you.
The Stationary
While you won’t need any stationary for playing bingo on some of the best usa real money online casino sites, if you’re looking to enjoy a game offline at home, then you’re going to need the right equipment. Alongside something to draw the balls from, you’re going to need bingo cards and dabbers.
What’s worth noting is that bingo cards change dependent on the game you’re playing, so ensure you’re playing with the right one. Then it’s simply a case of getting your dabbers at the ready and getting your eyes down.
The Sound Effects
The atmosphere is what really makes both online and offline play great, and in bingo halls around the world, the sound effects really add an extra fun factor. It’s easy enough to source your own, with you able to download them or play them from your smartphone or PC these days, while you could even be a little more inventive and use props from around the house. Perhaps you have a horn handy for when someone shouts “house!”. Or maybe the bash of a frying pan for a first line might just be what you’re looking for?