Discover Dragons at WWT London Wetland Centre

Discover Dragons at WWT London Wetland Centre
WWT London Wetland Centre will be launched as a Dragonfly Hotspot on Sunday 9th July with a day of free activities from 11.30am to 4.00pm. Come along to learn more about these fascinating insects and to help us celebrate the Dragonfly Hotspot launch! The event will feature the launch of a new on-site information board, guided walks with Dragonfly expert and author Dave Smallshire, pond dipping sessions to discover the amazing creatures that live beneath the water’s surface, and dragonfly crafting.
Dragonfly Hotspots are special places, carefully chosen because they support a good variety of dragonfly and damselfly species, are easy to access, and can provide opportunities for local communities to learn about dragonflies and get involved with dragonfly conservation and events. The launch is taking place in Dragonfly Week (1st-9th July), which is an annual celebration of dragonflies with events running nationally throughout the week.
London Wetland Centre is comprised of a mosaic of wetland habitats and is home to a rich diversity of insect life, with 26 species of dragonfly and damselfly! These include the endangered Norfolk Hawker; previously confined to East Anglia, this species has expanded its UK range in recent years and can be found at the London Wetland Centre.
Adam Salmon, Reserve Manager (London Wetland Centre) “WWT London Wetland Centre is delighted to be named a dragonfly hotspot. Sine we opened in 2000 we have worked hard to manage and maintain the reserve habitat to increase biodiversity and we are really pleased with the range of dragonfly species now present here. I hope that with the creation of the Hotspot more visitors will be encouraged to come and enjoy watching the dragonflies and damselflies on the reserve, and also learn about what they can do to help with wetland conservation.”
Lauren Kennedy (Engagement Officer BDS) “We are so excited to be launching a Dragonfly Hotspot in London with WWT! It is a beautiful site and the staff here are really keen to conserve their local dragonfly species. Together we really hope to inspire even more people to get to love these fantastic insects and to get involved in monitoring them and creating places for them to live. Please join us on Sunday 9th July to help us celebrate!”
Dave Smallshire (dragonfly expert and author) “I watched keenly as the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust created the London Wetland Centre and have been amazed as it matured into a fantastic haunt for water birds and other wildlife. That it has become such an important site for dragonflies within the City limits makes it even more special, and I hope that recognition as a Dragonfly Hotspot will help many people to learn about and enjoy these wonderful insects.”
For more information on the launch event and WWT visit:
Further dragonfly, damselfly and dragonfly hotspot information can be viewed at