A mum of 3 from Preston who was almost strangled via domestic abuse when she was 4 months preg-nant is on a mission to raise funds for Women’s Aid & Galop, by streaming a celebrity charity event from her bedroom next week.

In under 3 weeks she has organised a free 12-hour charity event that has attracted over 20 celebs and global entrepreneurs and is setting out to raise thousands for charity, from her bedroom in Preston.

Supported by Nicole Jacobs, the UK’s first Domestic Abuse Commissioner Dani Wallace, 36, also has on her line up ITV’s Jenny Powell and Ex Emmerdale Actress Natalie Anderson alongside Atomic Kitten’s Natasha Hamilton and has received words of support from her idol US singing sensation Macy Gray.

An entrepreneurial mum of 3 who was rescued from her own domestic abuse nightmare thanks to lo-cal services is on a mission to have ‘done her bit’ during Covid-19, through an ambitious fundraising initiative drawing in celebrities and high profile entrepreneurs whilst also lifting the spirits of the na-tion during lockdown.

Dani has been streaming chat shows live from her bedroom each morning at 8am as a way of dealing with her own anxiety. Attracting thousands of viewers worldwide this show has been a huge hit and she knew she had to use it for good when she heard of the rise in domestic violence cases.

‘The Big Festoon’ is running on 5th June, and is all about linking arms, featuring 12 celebrities and 12 entrepreneurs, coming together for ‘real talk’ around how they have chosen to thrive not just survive life in lockdown.

The primary charity being supported is Women’s Aid, a grassroots federation working together to pro-vide life-saving services and build a future where domestic violence is not tolerated, but funds will also be donated to galop, the LGBT+ anti-violence charity. Viewers will be encouraged to donate after each segment of the show, if they have been inspired.

The full line up is still being announced via but alongside celebrities leading figures from the business community such as the UK’s #1 Motivational

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